Contemporary American society has become more accepting of homosexual individuals in some regions, and even more hateful towards them inothers. This strange social dichotomy reflects the disparity of acceptance of those labeled as “others” in America. In urban areas and middle-classneighborhoods, it appears that being gay if not something to be celebrated isat least accepted, while in lower class and rural areas, it is just anotherfactor that makes upper class status unattainable. However, the youth have becomemuch more accepting and supportive than ever before. Just in my own experienceswith social media and the internet I have seen a rising support for LGBTQA+teens, not only by those within the group, but those outside of it who havelearned through the stories they have heard what gay individuals have to do to surviveand not be ridiculed. While oldergenerations of gay activists may view the young as unappreciative of the workthat gets done, and unwilling to fund and lead groups, they couldn’t be morewrong. New groups spring up every day in the form of social media campaigns andpages, that fight for the rights of gay individuals and provide a safe placewhere one can post anonymously about their struggles and receive advice. It ismy sincere hope that this continues in the future and develops into allowingsafe places in the real world for gay individuals. Instagram pages, Tumblrblogs, GoFundMe pages and group chats have become the new raves, support systems,and activist groups. Perhaps it is my naivete blinding me, but when our currentgroup of teens is done with their schooling, and able to support themselves, itappears that we may have one of the most united social movements of all time.
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- Week 10: Gender or Sexuality?
- Week 11: American Gay Worlds in the Twentieth Century
- Week 15: Marriage Equality and Queer Futures
- Week 2: Ancient Greek Pederasty
- Week 3: Female Homoeroticism and Male Sexual Deviance
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